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Wednesday, September 17, 2008. As I am heading up a teaching project for our department at the college. Where I work, I also have a college- authorised.
Using information from this directory in any other directory or by any non-ROCA person is a violation. This is a privately owned blog. It is not and has never been an official organ of any ecclesiastical organization. Synod of Bishops in New York City 917-460-1702.
Safe Resources For Newcomers to the Orthodox Faith. The above warning was given to me when I first met Orthodoxy in 1986. For one thing there is a far greater abundance of misinformation. And many materials are missing, and other materials are being rapidly rewritten. For another thing there are fewer than ever guides remaining on the Royal Path.
Nasi prawdziwie prawosławni amerykańscy bracia i siostry w Chrystusie wybrali się na pielgrzymkę do Hellady, Rumunii i Bułgarii. Nakręcili przy tym całkiem wartościowe i niekiedy zabawne filmiki z ich pobytu w świętych miejscach oraz w parafiach i monasterach zachowujących tradycyjne, prawdziwe Prawosławie. W podróży przewodniczył im metropolita Ameryki władyka Demetrios. Podobnież i u Świętych Ojców Cerk.
Въ ближайшее время постараюсь поставить ихъ обратно, но на этотъ разъ они уже будутъ здесь. Сербский владыка Артемие рукоположил себе помощника хорепископа Николая. Жива еще Зарубежная Русь! Открытое письмо чт. ПОЧЕМУ МЫ НЕ ВМЕСТЕ С ОФИЦИАЛЬНЫМ ПРАВОСЛАВИЕМ.
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. Dear Parishioners and Friends, Glory to Jesus Christ! Дорогі, парафіяни та друзі, Слава Ісусу Христу! April 12, 2015 EASTER Divine Liturgy and Blessing of Baskets. 12-го НЕДІЛЯ - Утреня Пасхи і освячення великодних кошиків. April 12, 2015 Parish Easter Breakfast.
5913 State Road Parma Ohio. Grand Hall Rental and Catering. Theophany The Blessing of Water. Artificial Famine The Holodomor 2015 Commemoration. Graveside Services at Brooklyn Heights Cemetery. Youth Sunday June 1, 2014.
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Glory to Jesus Christ! S Alberta Mission Project. Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada Youth. On Sunday July 26th we celebrated our Temple Feast Day! Click to see pictures . Grad Recognition and Acolyte Appreciation.
Click here to view or print the latest bulletin Найновіший Бюлетень. The donations are collected through the website CanadaHelps. org, and are directly deposited into the parish bank account. Please take some time to check it out - and, as always, thanks for your help, and God Bless! Bull; Contact Us.